Tuesday, 6 June 2017

LO4: Ticket

This is my first take on the ticket design for my festival. I have arranged my ticket into to split sections in order to indicate to the audience the date of the event and location of the event. I have also included a ticket number to create realism when my target auidence view it. I will be adding in a barcode scanner for the final design of the ticket. 

Monday, 5 June 2017

LO4: Mug edits

LO4: Poster Draft

Here is a draft for my poster that I had created for my Exclusive Fashion Show. This poster is quite bare at the moment, I am currently thinking of what else I could incluse in order to make the poster stand out more when my target audience. I included the floral design in the background to connote elegance, which is a common theme when it comes to fashion.

LO4: Ticket and Poster Edits

Sunday, 4 June 2017

LO4: Legal And Ethical

I will be following the ASA guidelines by not containing any offensive language or guestures within my festival. Due to the fact that this is quite a business based festival, helping promote peoples fashion I believe this is an essential to keep the festival professional yet fun. There will be not images that connote to substances or and sexual innuendos in order to not offend people viewing my festival.

LO4: Production Plan

LO3: Feedback

LO4: Budget

When it comes to actually producing the products for my festival it is essential to work out the budget cost for each of the items I am producing.

Poster 400 A3, Regular (130 gsm) = £87.08

Flyers 500 A6, Single sided, Regular (130 gsm) = £41.55


100 t-shirts, screen printing, two colours = £130 (£1.30 each)

In order to heir a graphic designer I would need to figure out how much it costs to pay a graphic designer for the year. Doing my research I have found out that the average graphic designer earns £22,000 a year or more depending on the skill of the graphic designer. Doing the math I found out that this would be £105 on a daily basis, which is £13 an hour.


I believe it would be prefer if my graphic designer as to design all of his products on a Mac, due to the fact that Macs are best suited for editing graphics and creating than other computers in my opinion, and they also have quite a lot of safety procedures in place to keep your work safe.

An Apple iMac costs £979.00 


A graphics tablet would be an essential when illustating designs onto the computer by hand. 
A graphics tablet is £21.49


Advertisment costs £178.30

Total = £1031.47